It’s Easy Being Greecey…
By Josh Steiner
Welcome back disinteresting readers, to the food porn patiently posted by the people’s press project. Today we’ll experience leftover déjà vu, wax terminology, and discover that whether, banana, pepper or Greek we are all Hungary for bacon and then, after all that we’ll play a game of veggie patty cake.
Deja vu
You may remember, in the not too distant past, the post Lettuce go Greek, we explored how a true Grecian salad contains no lettuce. Furthermore, if you are the super-fan I think you are, you also read my recent post @ where we condensed a Greek salad into a scoop-able mixture that comfortably rests upon a cucumber slice. I had leftover filling… What to do…
Fortunately the garden intervened in the form of mature Greek peppers, you might call them wax peppers, Hungarian wax peppers, banana peppers. Whatever you call them, they taste good stuffed and they taste even better when stuffed and wrapped in bacon. Since I had some pre-made filling I scooped out the ribs and seeds of six banana peppers stuffed em’ with the mixture and wrapped it in bacon.
Greek, Hungary I don’t care as long as they’re stuffed and nestled in the warm embrace of bacon…
Here’s how I did it so you can do it too, you will need: ½ large diced tomato, diced, salted rested for ten minutes and fluid drained, 5 diced kalamata olives, 5 diced pickled pepperoncini, some diced green onion, 4 Oz’s feta cheese 2-3 Tblspns Greek dressing and 4-5 cracks of black pepper.
You will do: Once the salted tomatoes have been drained, add them to a blender, add everything else, and pulse, add just enough Greek salad dressing to loosen up the mixture for blending. Don’t puree, just pulse a few times until the mixture is scoop-able. Cut peppers in half cut out ribs and seeds, add tomato mixture to bottom half, then put the top back on and wrap those em-effs in bacon and bake in 350 degree oven until bacon is cooked through, about 30-40 minutes.
Summertime and the eating’s EZ…
Or… If you take the same mixture and puree, it you’ll have something that looks like this…
Then take your choice of fresh, blanched, garden veggies, mix them together and form them into little cakes, pan fry for about 2-3 minutes a side, remove, garnish with desired herbs eat and repeat…
Joshua Steiner is a gristly, old, restaurant veteran, traveling dude, urban gardener, photographer, writer and all around spreader of swell. When not in the underground kitchen he is bringing his industry tips, tricks and pics to the readers of the PPP for you to use in your kitchen.