Local Independent Media

Invest in Media Justice in the Fargo-Moorhead Community

Support Independent media and make a financial contribution to support the work of Fargo-Moorhead’s only Media Justice organization, The People’s Press Project (PPP).The Fargo-Moorhead community has grown rapidly. Increasingly, there is a widening gap between those with media access and those with limited or no access. Nearly a thousand nonprofits in Fargo-Moorhead provide supportive services, education, training and advocacy in areas of human rights. But, only the PPP is working to preserve one of our most basic rights: Communication.

Joint Training at MCAM

The People’s Press Project (PPP) is a nonprofit created in Moorhead in May 2010 to address the lack of media access and equity in rural ND and MN. The PPP is uniquely positioned to have great impact to activate and engage media access and justice issues in the region.

With the sharp decline in print media, the change over to DTV, conglomeration of mainstream media, rampant use of social networks, the advent of online TV networks, and the new forms of online media, the media landscape has drastically changed. Without proper tools our region can easily fall behind in knowledge, access, and its ability to compete on the national and world level.

At a time in our history when NPR, local access, and “local coverage” are being lost to our communities, the PPP seeks to level the playing field for all community members giving them greater access to media, information, education, and creating a local culture of media awareness.Through our work, PPP will endow the F-M area with an understanding of communication rights that will empower media literate communities who are not just savvy consumers of media but producers of media as well




Your support is necessary and your donation will be used for increased access of the basic constitutional and human right in Communication locally. Your support will have the immediate impact of engaging community and the benefit of multi-media training for students, nonprofits, artists, issue groups, and new journalists. Funding will support an increase in independent, community based media and will hold the local government officials to a higher standard of public transparency and accountability. Local support will allow everyday people to tell their stories, teach nonprofits to promote themselves effectively in media, and help groups develop an avenue to locally produced forms of independent and social media.

PPP relies on in-kind donations of equipment, office space supplies and mentoring and leadership from community media experts and consultants. As the organization has gained support and recognition for its charitable and education work in the community, we ask you to join the base of funders and members that support the organization financially for the long term.

Donate Today

Anyone who has seen the power of politics, media and marketing understands the importance of media skill building to responsibly express and exercise the powerful muscle of our individual communication rights which ultimately creates freedom for everyone.

Help keep media independent, strong, accessible by giving to the PPP. Our media future locally depends on the media values we support today.

We accept checks and also take Secure credit cards payments through Paypal on line at: http://tiny.cc/PeoplesPress . Checks can be mailed to PPP at 1517 4th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56560.

Invest in Media Justice in the Fargo-Moorhead Community!



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