Opinions From the Region
Kill ‘em with Kindness by Cindy Gomez-Schempp White progressives. You are killing me with your kindness. I know it’s a popular phrase amongst the good white progressive. And I realize this may be the intended result within the metaphor, but your lack of real understanding or involved passion for any progressive issue which affects people …
Perdimos Nuestro Centro Por Cindy Gomez-Schempp In English Están a punto de pasar reformas de las leyes de inmigración en este país que previamente habia sido impossibles durante dos administraciones, a pesar de que el presidente Bush Jr. comenzó su campaña política hablando de los cambios que pensaba hacer en reformas migratorias cuando yo todavía …
We’ve Lost our Center By Cindy Gomez-Schempp en Español The country is poised to pass immigration reform policy that has previously been impossible in the last two administrations, despite the fact that President Bush Jr. started campaigning for comprehensive immigration reform when I was still in college! Something has been happening in America. Audio Podcast of …
“Perdimos Nuestro Centro” Audio Podcast “We’ve Lost Our Center” Audio Podcast Issues Demanded by the Mexican Community
Shooting Napoleon By Michael Black We were somewhere around Buffalo on the edge of the desert when the prairie began to take hold. It had been years since I had ridden this straight-as-an-arrow concrete ribbon across North Dakota. It hadn’t changed much. A monstrous blob of grey concrete rose up on the approaching horizon and …
Temple Grandin By Michael Black If you missed it, you missed it. Almost under the campus radar an incredible person visited NDSU Friday and delivered a thought provoking, humorous and inspiring story to a thousand people. Entitled “Different Kinds of Minds”, Temple Grandin (Doctor of Animal Science, professor, entrepreneur, author, film consultant and subject) spoke for over …
By Terry Graff I had a FB friend state that he thought that the Supreme Court opinion in the Hobby Lobby case was right. I’ve stated before that an opinion without a rationale that is based upon both facts and logic is meaningless. It is no better than an adamant goat bleating in the barnyard. …